Funding: World Health Organization
Years: 2009-2013
Randy Kramer (PI), Marie Lynn Miranda, Vance Fowler, Clifford Mutero, Jonathan Weiner and Richard Anderson (co-PIs)
This project aimed to promote evidence-based, multisectoral malaria control policy making in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda through the development of a comprehensive framework for assessing the full range of health, social and environmental risks and benefits associated with alternative malaria control strategies. Collaborators included a number of African universities and Ministries of Health, as well as Duke faculty from the schools of law, medicine and environment.

Tool Design Workshop, Kampala, Uganda, 2010
This project’s aim is to promote evidence-based, multi-sectoral malaria control policymaking through the use of a comprehensive framework for assessing the full range of health, social, and environmental risks and benefits associated with alternative malaria control strategies. The project developed a decision support tool for malaria control in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda and building capacity for evidence-based policy making.