Randy Kramer

Randall Kramer is Professor Emeritus of Environmental Economics, Nicholas School of the Environment and Research Professor of Global Health, Duke Global Health Institute.  Before coming to Duke, he was on the faculty at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He has held visiting positions at IUCN–The World Conservation Union, the Economic Growth Center at Yale University, and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry. He has served as a consultant to the World Bank, World Health Organization and other international organizations. He was named Duke University’s Scholar Teacher of the Year in 2004.

He is currently doing research on the effects of human land use decisions on biodiversity, infectious disease transmission and human health in rural Madagascar. Recent research projects have used decision analysis and implementation science to evaluate the health, social and environmental impacts of alternative malaria control strategies in East Africa. He has also conducted research on health systems strengthening, economic valuation of lives saved from air pollution reduction and the role of ecosystems services in protecting human health.

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Michelle Pender

Michelle Pender is a research associate at the Duke Global Health Institute at Duke University. Her work focuses on the effects of human land use decisions on biodiversity, infectious disease transmission and human health in rural Madagascar as well as shifting trends in global health and global health governance.  Originally from Zimbabwe, Michelle received a BA in government from Connecticut College and an MPH in health behavior from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.



Jean Yves Rabezara

Jean Yves Rabezara is a masters student at the L’Université Antsiranana in Diego-Suarez, Madagascar, where he studies microbiology. Since 2016 he has led several community surveys and conducted focus groups for the Duke-Vahatra research team in the SAVA region of Madagascar.


Prisca Rahary

Prisca Rahary is an independent researcher based in Andapa, Madagascar. She is a long term research assistant for the Duke-Vahatra field research team, and she has led several social science surveys throughout the SAVA region. She is fluent in Malagasy, French, and English.


Adriane Lesser

Ajile Owens

Emma Hughes

Carissa Novak

Christine Gerbode

Courtni France

Eeshan Khandekar

Erica Munshi

Jen Lamy

Kuleni Abebe

Miranda Metz

Nina Berlin

Rajah Saparapa