
Greetings, and welcome to the Duke community! This section of the admitted students website focuses on the exciting array of alternative transportation options available at Duke. Collaborative research conducted by Nicholas School master’s students (Jimmy Gilman and Hardy Almes) and Duke’s Office of Sustainability has revealed that student awareness of alternative transportation is lacking. This research also found that other concerns such as added time and a perceived lack of safety and convenience serve as barriers to alternative transportation use. As part of your summer on-boarding, we hope to take the first step towards addressing these barriers, along with providing you a starting point from which to find all the transportation information you will need during your time here at Duke.

Services Offered 

  1. Transit:  In conjunction with Duke University and the City of Durham, several mass transit options, including Go-Passes, are available to all students free of charge.   
  2. Walking/Biking:  Duke has several services to accommodate active students who wish to walk or ride their bikes to campus, including access to showers, an emergency ride home program (for those employed by Duke), and discounts at bike shops.  
  3. Carpool: Some students may wish to form carpools with other members of the Duke community, and Duke offers financial incentives if you choose to apply.  
  4. Occasional Parking/Carshare: For those students who need or wish to drive on occasion, the university offers two free parking days per month for registered alternative commuters, along with discounts on car rentals. 
  5. Commute Planning: Chat with a Duke transportation representative today for personalized commute planning


Your housing decision impacts the transportation options available to you. This is because distance from campus, proximity to transitbike paths and presence of other students in your neighborhood determine what transportation modes may be easily accessible. If you are interested in taking advantage of alternative transportation, you should factor this in when deciding on a place to live.

Researchers surveyed Duke graduate students from neighborhoods surrounding the university regarding the ease of commuting to campus via bicycle from that area. The map below aggregates student responses by neighborhood to indicate the “bikeability” level in each. Bus routes surrounding campus and the locations of apartment complexes near campus are also displayed in the second map. Duke’s East-West shuttle is also displayed, which connects Duke’s two primary campuses and hubs of student residences and activities.

Map of Bikeability of Commute to Duke's Campus from Apartments Near Duke
Map of East/West campus shuttle and other bus routes near Duke campus

Other Useful Links 

Maps: Hike & BikeCampus MapHousing Map 

Duke Services: Parking and TransportationGo PassCarpoolVanpoolBicyclingWalkingTelecommuteOccasional ParkingMobile App ResourcesUNC Shuttle Services 

Local Transit: Go TriangleGoDurhamGoRaleighGoCaryChapel Hill,  NCSU WolflineDuke Transit 

Housing: Near DukeInternational HouseBack2GradDuke List 

Social Media: NSOE Admitted Students Facebook Group , Duke Students TwitterSustainable Duke NewsletterSustainable Duke InstagramSustainable Duke Facebook 

Miscellaneous Parking and Transportation Resources: ContactsAccessibilityFormsPoliciesChat With Duke Transportation