Microbial Ecology


Diversity and Dynamics of Marine Bacterioplankton

Characterization of large-scale 16S rRNA gene libraries from station the Pivers Island Coastal Observatory (PICO) as well as the environmental drivers of this diversity with a specific focus on microbial responses to disturbance and stressors including ocean acidification.  In collaboration with the Johnson lab at Duke and the Konstantinidis lab at Georgia Tech.

Interactions of Bacterioplankton with Marine Microenvironments

Examining changes in activity and phylogenetic affiliation of particle-attached and free-living bacteria.  Investigation of the cost and benefits of co-growth for bacteria and algae with an emphasis on chemotactic aggregation of bacteria around phytoplankton cells.  Phytoplankton work is in collaboration with the Rynearson lab at URI.

Collaboration and Competition between marine heterotrophs

We are developing a synthetic microbiome to better understand how different groups of marine heterotrophs degrade phytoplankton-derived organic matter.  in collaboration with the Gibert lab (Duke), the Boiteau Lab (Oregon State) and the Wang Lab (Tianjin University)