Microbial Ecology



Li J, N Xie, X Liu, M Bai, DE Hunt, G Wang (2024) “Oxygen levels differentially attenuate the structure and diversity of microbial communities in the oceanic oxygen minimal zones” Science of the Total Environment 948: 174934 doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174934

Gray PC, I Savelyev, N Cassar, M Levy, E Boss, Y Lehahn, G Bourdin, KA Smith, A Windle, J Gronniger, S Floge, G Silsbe, ZI Johnson, DE Hunt, DW Johnston (2024) “Evidence for kilometer scale biophysical features at the Gulf Stream front” JGR: Oceans 129 doi: 10.1029/2023JC020526

Wang Z, CM Bergemann, M Simonin, A Avellan, P Kiburi, DE Hunt (2024) “Interactions shape aquatic microbiome responses to Cu and Au nanoparticle treatments in wetland manipulation experiments” Environmental Research 252:3 doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.118603


Gronniger JL, PC Gray, AK Niebergall, ZI Johnson, DE Hunt (2023) “A Gulf Stream frontal eddy harbors a distinct microbiome compared to adjacent waters” PLOS ONE 18(11):e0293334.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293334

Pavlopoulos GA, FA Baltoumas, S Liu, O Selvitopi, AP Camargo, S Nayfach, A Azad, S Roux, L Call, NN Ivanova, IM Chen, D Paez-Espino, E Karatzas, Novel Metagenome Protein Families Consortium, I Iliopoulos, K Konstantinidis, JM Tiedje, J Pett-Ridge, D Baker, A Visel, CA Ouzounis, S Ovchinnikov, A Buluç, NC. Kyrpides (2023) “Unraveling functional dark matter through global metagenomics” Nature 622, 594–602. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06583-7


Gronniger JL, Z Wang, G Brandt, CS Ward, D Tsementzi, H Mu, J Gu, ZI Johnson, K Konstantinidis, DE Hunt  (2022) “Rapid changes in coastal ocean microbiomes uncoupled with shifts in environmental variables” Environmental Microbiology 24(9) 4167-4177 doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.16086

Fremin BJ, AS Bhatt, NS Kyprides, Global Phage Small Open Reading Frame Consortium (2022) “Thousands of small, novel genes predicted in global phage genomes” Cell Reports, 39 (12) 110984

Xie N, Z Wang, DE Hunt, ZI Johnson, Y He, G Wang. (2022) “Niche partitioning of Labyrinthulomycetes protists across sharp coastal gradients and their putative relationships with bacteria and fungi”  Frontiers in Microbiology https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.906864

Xie N, M Bai, L Liu, J Li, Y He, JL Collier, DE Hunt, ZI Johnson, N Jiao, G Wang (2022) “Patchy blooms of Labyrinthulomycetes protists contribute to vertical carbon export in the pelagic waters of the Eastern Indian Ocean”  Microbiology Spectrum doi:10.1128/spectrum.00144-22

Bai M, N Xie, Y He, J Li, JL Collier, DE Hunt, ZI Johnson, N Jiao, G Wang (2022) “Vertical community patterns of Labyrinthulomycetes protists reveal their potential importance in the oceanic biological pump” Environmental Microbiology 24(4): 1703-1713 https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15709


Duan, Y, N Xie, Z Wang, ZI Johnson, DE Hunt, G Wang (2021) “Patchy distributions and distinct niche partitioning of mycoplankton populations across a nearshore to open ocean gradient”  Microbiology Spectrum 9 (3) e01470-21 doi:10.1128/Spectrum.01470-21

Ahern O, K Whitaker, TC Williams, DE Hunt, T Rynearson (2021) “Host genotype structures the microbiome of a globally dispersed marine phytoplankton” PNAS-USA 118 (48) e2105207118 doi:10.1073/pnas.2105207118

Woodroffe CD, Q Bing, DE Hunt, R Christofoletti, P Muniz, M Yasuhara (2021) “Chapter 7G: Estuaries and Deltas” United Nations 2nd World Oceans Assessment.

Wang Z, D Tsementzi, TC Williams, DL Juarez, SK Blinebry, NS Garcia, BK Sienkiewicz, ZI Johnson, K Konstantinidis, DE Hunt (2021) “Environmental stability impacts the differential sensitivity of marine microbiomes to increases in temperature and acidity” ISME J 15: 19-28 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-020-00748-2

Xie N, DE Hunt, ZI Johnson, Y Xie, G Wang (2021) “Annual partitioning patterns of  Labyrinthulomycetes reveal their multifaceted role in marine microbial food webs”  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (2) e01652-20


Nayfach S, S Roux, R Seshadri, D Udwary, N Varghese, F Schulz, D Wu, D Paez-Espino, I-M Chen, M Huntemann, K Palaniappan, J Ladau, S Mukherjee, TBK Reddy, T Nielsen, E Kirton, JP Faria, JN Edirisinghe, CS Henry, SP Jungbluth, D Chivian, P Dehal, EM Wood-Charlson, AP Arkin, S Tringe, A Visel, IMG/M Data Consortium, T Woyke, NJ Mouncey, NN Ivanova, NC Kyrpides, EA Eloe-Fadrosh (2020)“A genomic catalog of earth’s microbiomes ” Nature Biotechnology https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-020-0718-6

Loftus SE, DE Hunt, ZI Johnson (2020) “Reused cultivation water from a self-inhibiting alga does not inhibit other algae but alters their microbiomes”  Algae Research doi:10.1016/j.algal.2020.102067


Wang Z*, D Juarez*, JF Pan, J Gronniger, SK Blinebry, JS Clark, ZI Johnson, DE Hunt (2019) “Microbial communities across nearshore to offshore coastal transects are primarily shaped by distance and temperature” Environmental Microbiology  21(10): 3862-3872  doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14734

Ward CS*, JF Pan*, BP Colman, Z Wang, CA Gwin, TC Williams, A Ardis, CK Gunsch, DE Hunt  (2019) “Conserved microbial responses for acute and chronic silver nanoparticle treatments in wetland mesocosms” Environmental Science and Technology 53 (6): 3268-3276


Duan, Y, N Xie, Z Song, CS Ward, CM Yung, DE Hunt, ZI Johnson, G Wang (2018) “A High Resolution Time Series Reveals Distinct Seasonal Patterns of Planktonic Fungi at a Temperate Coastal Site (Beaufort, North Carolina, USA)” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (21) e00967-18 doi: 10.1128/AEM.00967-18

Zhang T, JF Pan, DE Hunt, M Chen, B Wang (2018) “Organic matter modifies biochemical but not most behavioral responses of the clam Ruditapes philippinarum to nanosilver exposure” Marine Environmental Research 133: 105-113.  doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.10.016


Ward CS*, CM Yung*, KM Davis, SK Blinebry, TC Williams, ZI Johnson, DE Hunt (2017) “Annual community patterns are driven by seasonal switching between closely related marine bacteria” ISME Journal 1 1412-1422 doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.4

Garcia NS*, CM Yung*, KM Davis, T Rynearson, DE Hunt (2017) “Draft genome sequences of three bacterial isolates from cultures of the marine diatom Thalassiosira rotulaGenome Announcements 5 (18) e00316-17 doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00316-17


McMurray SE, ZI Johnson, DE Hunt, JR Pawlik, CM Finelli (2016) “Optimized foraging in a marine sponge” Limnology and Oceanography 61 1271-1286.

 Yung CM, CS Ward, KM Davis, ZI Johnson, DE Hunt (2016) “Insensitivity of diverse and temporally-variable particle-associated microbial communities to bulk seawater environmental parameters” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82 (11):3431-3437.


Hunt DE and CS Ward (2015) “A network-based approach to disturbance transmission through microbial interactions” Frontiers in Microbiology 6 doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01182

Yung CM, MK Vereen, A Herbert, KM Davis, J Yang, A Kantorowska, CS Ward, JJ Wernegreen, ZI Johnson, DE Hunt (2015) “Thermally adaptive tradeoffs in closely related marine bacteria”  Environmental Microbiology 17(7) 2421-2429.

2014 and earlier

Kirchberger PC, M Turnsek, DE Hunt, BJ Haley, RR Colwell, MF Polz, CL Tarr, Y Boucher (2014)Vibrio metoecus sp.nov., a close relative of Vibrio cholerae isolated from coastal brackish ponds and clinical specimens”  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (9) 3208-3214.

 Chae SR*, DE Hunt*, K Ikuma, S Yang, J Cho, CK Gunsch, J Liu, and MR Wiesner  (2014) “Aging of fullerene C60 nanoparticles in the presence of microbes” Water Research 65 282-289.

BP Colman, B Espinasse, C Richardson, C Matson, GV Lowry, DE Hunt, MR Wiesner, ES Bernhardt (2014) “Emerging contaminant or an old toxin in disguise? Silver nanoparticle impacts on ecosystems” Environmental Science and Technology 48(9), 5229-5236.

Johnson ZI, BJ Wheeler, SK Blinebry, CM Carlson, CS Ward, DE Hunt (2013) “Dramatic variability of the carbonate system at a temperate coastal ocean site (Beaufort, North Carolina, USA) is regulated by physical and biogeochemical processes on multiple timescales” PLOSONE.

Hunt DE*, Y Lin*, MJ Church, DM Karl, S Tringe, LK Izzo, ZI Johnson (2013) “Relationship between abundance and specific activity of bacterioplankton in open ocean surface waters”  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79(1), 177-184.

Boucher Y, OX Codero, A Takemura, DE Hunt, K Schliep, E Bapteste, P Lopez, CL Tarr and MF Polz.  (2011) “Local mobile gene pools rapidly cross species boundaries to create endemicity within global Vibrio cholerae populations” mBio 2 (2) e00335-10.

Hunt DE*, E Ortega-Retuerta*, C Nelson* (2010) “Connections between bacteria and organic material in aquatic ecosystems: Linking microscale ecology with global carbon cycling” p. 110-128. In P.F. Kemp [ed.], Eco-DAS VIII Symposium Proceedings. ASLO.

Hunt DE*, LA David*, D Gevers, SP Preheim, EJ Alm, MF Polz.  (2008) “Resource partitioning and sympatric differentiation among closely related bacterioplankton” Science 320 (5879), 1081-1085.

Stocker R, JR Seymour, A Samadani, DE Hunt, MF Polz  (2008) “Rapid chemotaxis enables marine bacteria to exploit ephemeral microscale nutrient patches” PNAS-USA 105, 4209-4214.

Hunt DE, D Gevers, NM Vahora, MF Polz  (2008) “Conservation of the chitin utilization pathway in the Vibrionaceae” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74, 44-51.

Polz MF, DE Hunt, SP Preheim, DM Weinreich. (2006)  “Patterns and mechanisms of genetic and phenotypic differentiation in marine microbes” Phil. Trans. R.  Soc. B 361, 2009-2021.

Hunt DE, V Klepac-Ceraj, SG Acinas, C Gauthier, S Bertilson, MF Polz  (2006) “Evaluation of 23S rRNA PCR primers for use in phylogenetic studies of bacterial diversity” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72, 2221-2225.

Thompson JR, S Pacocha, C Pharino, V Klepac-Ceraj, DE Hunt, J Benoit, R Sarma-Rupavtarm, DL Distel, MF Polz (2005) “Genotypic diversity within a natural coastal bacterioplankton population” Science 307 (5713) 1311-1313.

Acinas SG*, V Klepac-Ceraj*, DE Hunt, C Pharino, I Ceraj, DL Distel, MF Polz (2004) “Fine-scale phylogenetic architecture of a complex bacterial community” Nature 430, 551 – 554

Polz MF, S Bertilson, SG Acinas, D Hunt (2003) “A(r)ray of hope in diversity analysis of microbial function and communities”  Biological Bulletin 204(2), 196-199.

* authors contributed equally