Professional Students

Info for MEM, MF, DEL, and IMEP students. Please also remember to review the list of To-Do’s and Graduation Preparation Details in Duke Box as this information may be time-sensitive. View NSOE Schedule of Events. Additional information is available at the university’s Commencement website. Be sure to check out the Pre-Commencement Checklist for everything you need to do to prepare for the weekend.


An electronic graduation announcement that you can share with your family and friends who are celebrating your many academic accomplishments.


The Nicholas School Student Council facilitates an apparel lottery where students in need can utilize apparel donated by spring graduates. Be on the lookout for an email from the NSOE Student Council with instructions on how you can enter the lottery for > a tassel, cap, hood, and/or gown. You must wear the full academic apparel to both the NSOE Recognition Ceremony and the University-wide Ceremony but should not wear the hood at the baccalaureate service. The style and color of your academic apparel depend on the degree you will receive at commencement.


Graduation requirements are outlined in Duke Box. Choose your graduation term.


Communications about graduation will be uploaded in the Graduation Preparation folder in Duke Box. We encourage students to bookmark the link to this folder so that they can keep the most recent information handy.


Once the ceremonies requiring academic apparel have concluded, we invite you to donate your academic apparel to future students. You can donate all or parts of your apparel – all items are welcome. This is a student-led initiative that began approximately 10 years ago, and we would like to see it continue. We encourage you to take part in this generous and community-minded tradition. If you would like to donate, drop off your apparel in the Student Services office located at A101 LSRC – also, drop-off boxes will be available during the reception on Saturday.


The schedule of events can be viewed at the Nicholas School’s events web page. Any COVID protocols that may be in place at the time, per University guidelines, will be followed.


All students participating in the NSOE Recognition Ceremony must ask a faculty member to present/hood them during the Ceremony. Typically, that person is an advisor or faculty member the student has had a close relationship with during his/her academic career. Before submitting the Graduation RSVP form, confirm with your coursework advisor, MP advisor, program chair (or other faculty) that he or she is available to present/hood you during the Nicholas School’s Recognition Ceremony. Then, add that person’s name to the Graduation RSVP form.

If you need to change the name of your faculty presenter after submitting the RSVP form, please resubmit the form and send an email to petersca@duke.eduIf you do not choose someone to present/hood you during the Recognition Ceremony, a faculty member will be chosen for you.


The most current Master’s Project Timeline (Two-Part Submission)

  • 1. Apply to Graduate in DukeHub. If you applied to graduate in an earlier term but did not graduate, you will need to apply again.
  • 2.  Order academic apparel for graduation ceremonies.  
  • 3.  Donate academic apparel post-graduation weekend  (prof, grad & doctoral candidates only).
  • 4. We need to know your plans to attend the NSOE Recognition Ceremony, so please submit the RSVP Form.
  • 5.  Make sure your bursar bill is paid or your diploma will be withheld. Contact should you have questions.
  • 6. Return your locker key to the Building Coordinator, located at 2104 Grainger Hall. A fee of $75 will be assessed to your bursar account if the key is not returned by the second Friday in May.
RSVP NSOE Recognition Ceremony

We ask that all graduates who plan to participate in the NSOE Recognition Ceremony to RSVP. In the RSVP form, we will ask you about the following:

-How would you like your name read and pronounced?
-How many guests do you plan to bring with you to the reception?
-Will any of your guests require seating or parking accommodation?