Timeline at a Glance

Spring Graduates (May 2025)

3S project prospectus due via StrongBox
3S project work plan due to MP advisor and submitted to Student Services via the DukeBox Upload Window. Students are expected to meet with the client and/or advisor prior to this submission. If students are not able to meet this deadline or have not worked on their MP enough to establish a work plan, then the student is required to meet with their advisor at the start of the fall semester to review their MP topic.4/12/2024
3S Project Check-In with Program Coordinator and Advisor. Students will verify their 3S MP can continue by showing their progress thus far7/26/2024
3S project work plan due to MP advisor and submitted to Student Services via the DukeBox Upload Window. This is the final deadline for the Work Plan.8/19/2024
Complete written draft due to MP advisor 2/14/2025
MP Practice Presentations3/4-4/1/2025
Revised draft due to MP advisor 3/18/2025
10-Line Abstract due to Student Services 3/21/2025
MP Symposium: DEL-MEM Only, Virtual (Present Master’s Project) 4/8-4/10/2025
MP Symposium: MEM, MF, and iMEP only, In-Person (Present Master’s Project)4/10 –
Submit final MP to iThenticatefor scanning 4/18/2025
Final MP due (Non-negotiable deadline) Two-part submission process: upload to DukeSpace and submit signed executive summary to Student Services4/25/2025

Fall 2025 Graduates (December 2025)

Submission of MP topic ideas to Program Chair9/9/2024
Project prospectus due to MP advisor and via StrongBox10/28/24
3S project work plan due to MP advisor and submitted to Student Services via the DukeBox Upload Window. Students are expected to meet with the client and/or advisor prior to this submission. If students are not able to meet this deadline or have not worked on their MP enough to establish a work plan, then the student is required to meet with their advisor at the start of the spring semester to review their MP topic.11/25/2024
Project work plan signed by advisor and submitted to Student Services via the DukeBox Upload Window 2/3/2025
Project status presentation 2/10 –
Complete written draft of Final Report due to advisor 9/29/25
Revised draft due to advisor 10/30/2025
10-Line Abstract due to Student Services 11/13/2025
Present MP (Symposium) – Date TBD11/21/2025
Submit final MP to iThenticate for scanning 12/1/2025
Final MP due (Non-negotiable deadline) Two-part submission process: upload to DukeSpace and submit signed executive summary to Student Services12/5/2025

Spring 2026 Graduates (May 2026)

3S project prospectus due via StrongBox
3S project work plan due to MP advisor and submitted to Student Services via the DukeBox Upload Window. Students are expected to meet with the client and/or advisor prior to this submission. If students are not able to meet this deadline or have not worked on their MP enough to establish a work plan, then the student is required to meet with their advisor at the start of the fall semester to review their MP topic.4/14/2025
3S Project Check-In with Program Coordinator and Advisor. Students will verify their 3S MP can continue by showing their progress thus far7/9/2025
3S project work plan due to MP advisor and submitted to Student Services via the DukeBox Upload Window. This is the final deadline for the Work Plan.8/19/2025
Complete written draft due to MP advisor 2/16/2026
Revised draft due to MP advisor 3/18/2026
10-Line Abstract due to Student Services 3/25/2026
MP Symposium: DEL-MEM Only, Virtual (Present Master’s Project) Dates TBD4/7-4/9/2026
MP Symposium: MEM, MF, and iMEP only, In-Person (Present Master’s Project) Dates TBD4/9-4/10/2026
Submit final MP to iThenticatefor scanning 4/17/2026
Final MP due (Non-negotiable deadline) Two-part submission process: upload to DukeSpace and submit signed executive summary to Student Services4/24/2026