The Targeting of Infrastructure in the Middle East (TIME) project focuses on tracking and analyzing the targeting of civilian and environmental infrastructure by parties to selected conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The project covers select time periods for conflict cases in Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Syria, and Yemen. 

General Methodology Overview

This document provides an overview of how project researchers collect, verify, and clean incident data in the TIME database.  

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Coding Methodology in the TIME Dataset: Actor Type

This document explains how actors are identified and coded in the TIME database. It covers how the project assesses and codes for means, intentionality, and active vs. collateral damage.

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Coding Methodology in the TIME Dataset: Infrastructure Type

This document addresses the specific infrastructure included in the TIME database. It covers how the project assesses and codes for degree of infrastructure functionality, repair time, and the geolocation of infrastructure targeted.

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Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) Coding Methodology

This document discusses the data sources used to collect data on the targeting of civilian infrastructure in the conflict in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt). The oPt dataset records discrete attacks on civilian infrastructure (agriculture/fishing, energy, energy/water, health, transportation/marketing, and water infrastructure) from 2000 to the present. In addition to tracking the infrastructure targeted, the oPt dataset also records information on the actors involved and targeted in the attack, when available.

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Yemen Coding Methodology

This document discusses the data sources used to collect data on the targeting of civilian infrastructure in the conflict in Yemen. The Yemen dataset records discrete attacks on civilian infrastructure (agriculture/fishing, energy, energy/water, health, transportation, and water infrastructure) from 2010 to the present. In addition to tracking the infrastructure targeted, the Yemen dataset also records information on the actors involved and targeted in the attack, when available. 

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