Maggie earns 2nd place at State Science Fair

Maggie CMaggie C., a sixth grader at Saint Francis Xavier School in Utah (and Johnson Lab member in abstentia), is interested in math and science and in particular how things are interconnected.  She used a series of randomly generated numbers to select a city, a university offering a PhD, a department, then a professor. All of that process brought her to the Johnson Lab – all the way from Utah! Using network theory, her science fair project tested network associations and in particular how people are connected (e.g. the Kevin Bacon game), in this case to the Johnson Lab.  Her science fair results: 1st place 6th grade behavioral, 1st place 6th grade overall, 1st place behavioral overall,1st place school overall
 :3rd place 6th grade behavioral (Diocesan), 1st place Math Award (Diocesan) and 2nd place for 6th grade Math, Physics,and Astronomy at the Utah State Science Fair.  Way to go Maggie! We’re proud of your accomplishments and hope that you keep up your interest in math, science and technology!