Apply to Graduate

Students expecting to complete their degree requirements in May must apply to graduate in DukeHub.  

This is not a soft deadline, and failure to meet this deadline will prevent you from graduating this spring.

It is easy to apply and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete: 

1.  Click on the “Forms & Requests” tab

2.  Click on the “Apply for Graduate” tab

3.  Choose the expected term of graduation- spring (CHOOSE APPROPRIATE YEAR)

4.  You will be asked to provide your MP title, your name exactly as you wish it to appear on your diploma, and a mailing address where you want your diploma sent if you do not pick it up. Provide your MP title as it exists at the time that you apply. There will be an opportunity to modify your title if needed.

5.  Be sure you click the Submit button when you are finished.

6.  Once you submit the information you cannot go back and change anything yourself. You will need to notify me of any changes to your name or your address. Send an email to

>> The window to apply to graduate opened January 1 and close promptly on January 31.