Episode 27 – Science in the Sargasso Sea

In this episode, Lisa Campbell shares a story of sailing, science, and Sargassum. Based on a 3-day research cruise to the Sargasso Sea, the story  was originally developed during a workshop with The Story Collider, a non-profit organization that “helps people of all walks of life — from scientists to doctors to patients to engineers to teachers to firefighters — tell their true, personal stories about science.”  Not only did the workshop inspire this particular story, it motivated Lisa to think about podcasting as something she might do.

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Episode Host

Dr. Lisa Campbell is the Rachel Carson Professor of Marine Affairs and Policy at the Duke University Marine Lab.  Her research is broadly focused on oceans governance and she is especially interested in the roles of non-state actors and science in governance. She went to Bermuda as part of a research project on the Human Dimensions of Large Marine Protected Areas. A founding co-conspirator in Seas the Day, her regular role is host of the Conservation and Development series.

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Featured in this Episode

Leslie Acton was a PhD student at the Duke University Marine Lab and is now Assistant Professor of Coastal Sciences at The University of Southern Mississippi’s Gulf Coast Research Lab. Her PhD research examined one of the most significant trends in global oceans conservation: large-scale marine protected areas (MPAs). As part of the Human Dimensions of Large MPAs project, Leslie led research in Bermuda, and documented the strategies used by diverse actors, including government representatives, conservation NGOs, scientists, funders, fishermen, and industry representatives to assert their territorial interests in offshore waters of Bermuda. Learn more about the Bermuda case study here.

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Special thanks to Sara Mirabilio for graciously allowing Lisa to include her story within this one. Read Sara’s blog about her trip here.

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