Nicholas on the Road, San Francisco

Meet the New Dean, Alan Townsend
in San Francisco

Join the Nicholas School for an exciting event to attend a “Back-to-Class” lecture,
meet our New Dean, Alan Townsend, and mingle with fellow alumni and friends

Tuesday, November 18th
Monaco San Francisco – Union Square
501 Geary Street, San Francisco, CA

Registration and Pre-Reception

6:30 to 7:30pm
Special Back-to-Class Lecture
“Water Wars, Water Markets and the Next 100 Years”

featuring Martin Doyle, Professor of River Systems Science and Policy

7:30 to 9:00pm
Welcome Reception with Dean Alan Townsend

Event is open to all Nicholas School and Duke alumni, their guests and friends of the School,
but we ask that you RSVP by Friday, November 14th
Click here to RSVP for the Event

For more information about the evening, please contact the
Nicholas School Office of External Affairs at
(919) 613-8003 or