Summary of Summit 1, October 13th, 2017

Summary of Summit 1, October 13th, 2017

To integrate sustainability across campus, the newly rebranded Duke Sustainability Board conducted our first meeting over lunch on the 13th of October. Individuals representing a variety of Duke organizations and faculty departments attended this meeting. The clubs included graduate clubs such as the Graduate Professional Student Council, the Green Rooftop Orchard Workforce and the Energy Club. Representatives from undergraduate clubs included members from the Green Devils, the Duke Environmental Alliance Social Environmental Community and others.

Rebecca Hoeffler, the Sustainable Duke program coordinator, led the meeting and gave a quick overview of the variety of sustainability initiatives in their roster. These range from Duke’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2024, the Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative and information on their Green Grants and Green Certification program.

Our next summit meeting will be taking place on Friday, November 10th from 12:00 to 13:00 at the Student Wellness Center 147. This is a great opportunity for students and faculty to interact and form new connections for collaboration. Join us and bring along your ideas, questions your appetite!