Author Archives: Jeff Meltzer

November 10th Summit Summary

The newly rebranded Duke Sustainability Board conducted our second summit meeting over lunch on the 10th of November. We hosted representatives from the Duke Water Network, Green Roof and Orchard Workforce (GROW), Duke Green Devils East, Duke Green Devils West, the Biology Department, the Graduate and Professional Student Council, Duke Smart Home, Nicholas School Energy

Shadow Boxes

DSB is teaming up with staff and facilities on a project to provide a visual reference for making better use of the recycling and composting resources available at Environment Hall. Currently, the sorting into Compost, Mixed Recyclables, and Trash is not happening as smoothly as originally envisioned. The idea is to design and test shadow

Energy Week – November 5-9

The Carbon Working Group, consisting of DSB members Dani Arostegui, Paichen Li, and Elizabeth Rublev, teamed up with the organizers of Energy Week to measure and calculate the carbon footprint of this year’s event. The following factors contributed to the carbon emission calculation: the number of attendees distance attendees traveled via airplane and car hotel stays

Summary of Summit 1, October 13th, 2017

To integrate sustainability across campus, the newly rebranded Duke Sustainability Board conducted our first meeting over lunch on the 13th of October. Individuals representing a variety of Duke organizations and faculty departments attended this meeting. The clubs included graduate clubs such as the Graduate Professional Student Council, the Green Rooftop Orchard Workforce and the Energy