Information for community planners

Community planners play an important role in the redevelopment process of former industrial sites. Planners can help coordinate and communicate between all the involved stakeholders and help avoid barriers and hang-ups during the entire process.

Roles of the planner in during redevelopment

add relevant icons for each list item?

  • Strategic planner – Planners can help prioritize potential sites for redevelopment and identify future uses that will best serve the needs of their community. 
  • Stakeholder intermediary – A planner can facilitate communication between the community members, regulatory agencies, municipal entities, developers, and investors and act as an advocate for both public and private interests.  
  • Project manager – Planners are involved in all aspects of the process, from valuation of properties and financial planning to the permitting and approval processes.  
  • Brownfields champion – Planners can become a source of knowledge on the risks, benefits, misconceptions, liability concerns, and legal framework of contaminated site remediation and redevelopment.   

Resources for Planners

Redevelopment Guidebook for Planners in North Carolina

Other guidebooks/readings/publications that are useful for planners?

Meet two planners – Barnes and ___ (if they are okay with being recognized on the site?)

Quick profile and description of the planners form Navassa and Rocky Mount?

Photos? Quotes?