Our amazing Wilmington community partners Chef Keith Rhodes (Catch Restaurant), Veronica Carter (Boarder member, NC Coastal Federation), and Deborah Dicks Maxwell (President, New Hanover County NAACP) teamed up with the CEC to create videos to help get the word out about how to safely catch and eat fish out of the Cape Fear River.
In this video, Veronica Carter (Boarder member, NC Coastal Federation) and Deborah Dicks Maxwell (President, New Hanover County NAACP) discuss the origins of the Stop, Check, and Enjoy! Campaign, why subsistence fish consumption out of Cape Fear River is an environmental justice issue, and specific aspects of the Stop, Check, and Enjoy! campaign.
Chef Keith Rhodes of Catch Restaurant discusses the best methods to prepare fish caught from the Cape Fear River, as well as specific groups including children under 15 and people who are pregnant or who may become pregnant, and nursing mothers, who should be extra careful when eating fish from the Cape Fear.
The Stop, Check, and Enjoy! campaign encourages eating of safer fish and preferred preparation and cooking methods to limit exposure to chemical contaminants found in fish caught from the Cape Fear River. Find delicious and safe fish recipes in our 2021-22 calendar.
The Stop, Check, and Enjoy! Campaign was developed by the Duke University Superfund Research Center’s Community Engagement Core, Cape Fear River Watch, North Carolina Coastal Federation, the New Hanover County of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the New Hanover County Department of Health and Human Services, and the Duke University Environmental Law & Policy Clinic.