NSOE Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Thursday, January 28th, 2016
Doors open at 6:00pm
Durham Arts Council – PSI Theater
120 Morris Street
Durham, NC 27701


On January 28th, the Nicholas School and Durham community will come together for the Wild & Scenic Film Festival. This award-winning conservation, social activism and adventure centric festival will provide stunning footage from several films. These short titles will bring to life brilliant views of biodiversity, riverine systems, conservation-based tourism, fisheries restoration, the fight against pipeline development and Canyoneering!

The primary purpose of the Film Festival, in addition to bringing these movies to life, is to benefit the Environment Internship Fund (EIF). Over the past few years, the EIF has raised thousands of dollars to support internships for Nicholas School students. This is a student-run, student-operated organization that allows once-in-a-lifetime internship experiences that would otherwise be unachieved. The participants design their own internship plans, reach out to their employing organizations and bear the full burden associated with the logistics and funding of their experiences.

We need Alumni help! First, we hope to have a strong alumni presence at the Festival to show our support for this great cause. Second, we are looking for Alumni donations for the concurrent silent auction. Your donation of a product or service from your organization would greatly enhance the benefits of the auction. Folks have already stepped up to contribute a behind-the-scenes tour of the Duke Lemur Center, tickets for the Carolina Tiger Rescue, and a weekend camping rental!  All proceeds from ticket sales and auctioned items will go to the Environmental Internship Fund.

Light hors d’oeuvres and beverages provided! Please navigate to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival website to learn more and buy tickets for the Festival. If you are able to donate an item for the silent auction, please contact Sarah DeLand at sarah.deland@duke.edu. Feel free to contact  your NC Triangle Regional Area Network Coordinator Gene Stroup with any questions. We hope to see you at the area’s premier environmental film festival and grow the NSOE community!