The perfect 76 degree temperature was tailor made for more than 70 alumni, family members, and friends who came out to the Nicholas School’s first Reunion Weekend. While the name of the School, the faculty, staff, and program areas have changed through the years, the laughs, picture sharing, and “remember when’s” were consistent.
“It was great to be back on campus for my 10-year reunion! I had a lot of fun seeing classmates, catching up with friends, and touring the new building. It was really nice to see how Duke and Durham have grown since we left 10 years ago.” Rose Kwok, MEM’05
Karen Kirchof, assistant dean career and professional development center said, “Reunion 2015 was a fantastic event! Talking with alumni about careers, adventures and seeing their ‘little environmentalists in training’ made me proud to know they and the Nicholas School are truly making a difference.”
In addition to reconnecting with friends, the MEM/MF classes of 2005 and 2010 added to the celebration by challenging one another to give back to the School through gifts to support of the Nicholas School’s Annual Fund. Volunteer class leaders, Nick Diluzio, MEM/MF ’10 and Rose Kwok, MEM ’05, encouraged and raised awareness about the opportunity to have a significant impact on the current students and faculty. Together the two classes raised more than $4,870 and saw the challenge won by the MEM/MF Class of 2005.
Of course, every reunion year is special and this coming spring a particularly unique class, the Class of 1991 will be celebrating their 25th Anniversary – which is also the 25th Anniversary of the Nicholas School of the Environment.
The Nicholas School wants all alumni to be a part of our new tradition. So get your taxes done early and come back to campus for the School’s 2nd Annual Alumni Reunion Weekend on April 15 -16, 2016. More details to come!
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations is seeking alumni volunteers to help us to organize and get the word out to their classmates and/or assist us with planning Reunion Weekend activities. Contact Glenda Lee, assistant director alumni engagement and programs to offer your time and/or ideas.