eNews for Alumni

34 posts

The Environment eNews web pages are hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations (ODAR) at the Nicholas School of the Environment to provide alumni and friends of the school up-to-date on the latest news and events happening at the Nicholas School and across the USA.

Friends First

Friends First It seems that a lot of our Nicholas School students who became couples met during orientation. Liz Wexler met John Sullivan on the library tour during orientation, and then they ran into each other again on the bus for the tour of Duke Forest. While they were chatting […]

Eric Thu and Georgia Schuh

Fated from the Start

Eric Thu met Georgia Schuh on the first day of orientation as grad students.  And, as Eric says, both were “so type A” that they also showed up for locker assignments right on time, and they ended up being assigned Lockers #1 and #2, ensuring that they were side-by-side for […]

Reading, Writing, and Romance: Nicholas School Students Find Love

The Nicholas School has done a lot more than create the world’s next environmental leaders — it’s also created the world’s next great love stories. While pouring over books, talking excitedly about environmental policy solutions, or just hanging out at games and with friends, many of our students were also […]