Hello Fellow Boston and Greater Boston Area Alums

My name is Theo Gimenez, and I will be serving as the new Coordinator for the Boston Area Alumni Network.  I am excited to be stepping into this role, and look forward to getting to know you all in the coming months.

I would like to recognize the efforts of James Hildenbrand, who has been our Coordinator over the last few years. James has done a great job bringing people together and making connections in our area. I hope to continue the good work James has begun and further grow our Network.

My Background:
I graduated from the Nicholas School in 2012 with a focus in Environmental Economics and Policy. After graduating, I took a position with Cardno ENTRIX, where I primarily worked on Natural Resource Damage Assessments. I currently work with Abt Associates in Cambridge.

The NSOE continues to be a world leader in providing environmental scientists, managers, and champions in a diverse array of disciplines. That diversity and richness of experience can be leveraged by communicating and interacting via our Boston Area Alumni Network. My vision for the Network consists of three primary objectives:

(1) Build relationships between alumni, students, and faculty;

(2) Provide a mechanism for discussing and advancing career development; and

(3) Have fun!

Not necessarily in that order. I expect that the Network will provide us a venue for holding informal, friendly conversations that will ultimately improve our careers and our lives.

How YOU Can Help!
In order to maximize the benefits of the Network, I need your help with a few initial activities.

First, if you are not already a member of our NSOE Boston Area Alumni Network on LinkedIn, please join the group.  This site provides a platform for us to communicate, post job listings, and lists important information about both on and off-campus events and engagement opportunities. You can join the group from our Nicholas School of the Environment Duke University LinkedIn page.

I would also like to compile a list of email addresses of the members of the Network. I am hoping that we can communicate in this way too. For this, I will need those that are interested to email me your email address.

Third, our initial meeting is Thursday, September 24th, at 7:00pm at “The Highball Lounge”.  During this meeting, we’ll discuss what types of events you all are interested in attending. Please let me know before September 23 if you are joining us.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at bostonnsoealumni@gmail.com with any questions you may have.  I look forward to working together to continue to build the Boston Area Network!


Theo Gimenez

To join the Boston Area Network, you must have or create a LinkedIn profile. Once you have a profile, search LinkedIn groups for “Nicholas School of the Environment” and requesting group admittance. Once you are accepted, you can look for and join Regional Networks by going to the “Subgroup” section of the Nicholas School’s LinkedIn page, and finding the group in your region.