Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference – NSOE Panel Discussion

Thursday, June 25th
10am – 12pm
Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh NC

This panel discussion will feature NSOE alumni and students at one of the premier environmental conferences worldwide. The discussion will highlight NSOE research and expertise through the lens of Climate Change. The session “Micro to Macro: Decision Making Impacts on Climate and Environment at Nano, Local, Regional and Global Scales,” will include presentations which all revolve around the concept of making sound decisions to reduce climate and negative environmental impacts. Our speakers will be:

  • Nanotechnology science – Dr. Ben Colman, Research Scientist, Center for the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (CEINT), Duke University
  • DNA techniques to detect changes due to climate variations – Ms. Justine Kmiecik, MEM ’12, CEO and Co-Founder, BaseTrace
  • Technology enabling the integration of renewables and changing utility business models – Mr. Paul Quinlan, MEM ’06, Clean Tech Specialist, ScottMadden, Inc.
  • Community level impacts and behavioral changes effecting climate – Dr. Jared Woollacott, MEM ’06, Research Economist, RTI International
  • Combining Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies: Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy – Mr. Christopher Paul, PhD Candidate ’17, University Program in Environmental Policy at Duke University
  • Highlighting emission reductions strategies and technologies – Ms. Maggie Monast, MEM ’11, Senior Policy Analyst, Environmental Defense Fund

This is a unique opportunity to feature NSOE students and alumni and highlight the positive impact NSOE made/is making on their careers. Hope you can join us!
More info at


NSOE Triangle Area Alumni Network Advisory Board


Gene Stroup and some others who have been helping to lead events in the Triangle Area are working to form an advisory board. This group would meet two to three times a year to brainstorm on opportunities for interaction and discuss collaborative events. This will be a low time investment group but will provide visionary input on making the Triangle Network more meaningful and rewarding. We hope to engage alumni, students, faculty and staff in this group. We have some folks who have expressed interest, but we need more! If you are interested in participating, please contact Gene Stroup (919-740-9942 or