Student Expectations
By acting in a professional manner and meeting set deadlines, students share responsibility with the MP Advisor(s) to ensure the advising relationship is successful. The expectations for students are as follows:
- Complete and sign the Student- Advisor Contract with your MP Advisor.
- Meet all deadlines set by the Nicholas School, project advisor, and project client (where applicable).
- For 3S students, secure faculty members to serve as MP no later than the end of the second week of spring semester. Establishing these relationships even earlier is highly recommended.
- Attend and actively participate in regularly scheduled meetings with the MP Advisor and Client. It may be helpful to develop a step-by-step MP process schedule/calendar with the advisor/client to set interim deadlines and ensure that the project remains on track.
- Work with the MP Advisor on drafts of the MP until it reaches the required level of excellence of a final MP.
- Run final MP through iThenticate software at least two weeks before the final MP is due.
- Once a final MP has been approved, submit a signed copy of the project abstract to Box and upload the final to DukeSpace.
In addition to his or her obligations to their MP advisor, the student has additional obligations to the NSOE Student Services office, the Nicholas School, their peers, and the client. The student relationship with the client is a unique one. The student must balance academic and professional standards with obligations to the client. In all interactions with the client, the student is expected to conduct himself/herself in a professional manner, remembering that all his/her actions reflect on the larger MEM and MF Program, the Nicholas School, and Duke University communities. See Tips for Success for more assistance and advice.
The MP faculty advisor will be reviewed by their advisees based on the expectations described above; these reviews (like annual teaching evaluations) will be provided to the Divisional Chair and be included as part of the advisor’s annual evaluation.
Sensitive Issues
If you run into sensitive issues when conducting your MP, or find yourself in a controversial issue, first work with your advisor. If the issue needs to be escalated, please reach out to the Professional Programs Coordinator, Abbey Sheehy, and Senior Associate Dean, Dr. Timothy Johnson.