
Managing Group Work

Here are some tips to help with managing your group work in order to ensure the success of your Masters Project:

  • Assign one person as the main point of contact for your client, this will help to eliminate redundancy and ensure your team is receiving all information at the same time
  • Consider using a group messaging app (Teams, Slack, etc.) to communicate with the members of your group
  • Communicate and meet with your team members on a regular basis; set up a designated week or bi-weekly time that aligns with everyones schedules
  • Set up a regular time to meet with your MP Advisor(s)
  • Setting calendar reminders for all deadlines at the beginning of the semester
    • see Timeline at a Glance
    • Also consider adding the NSOE Master’s Projects Outlook calendar to your personal Outlook Calendar
  • Assign your team members various roles of each part of the project to ensure teamwork
  • Notify your advisor if there is a group conflict that can not be resolved between your team members
  • Creating team norms: how and who will respond to clients, when to alert the group if you feel a deadline cant be met
  • Decide when a member of a team should communicate with the others when a deadline can’t be met