I turn the lights on in the bathroom and a slight uneasiness settles over me. I go to Uncle Harry’s, at first excited to see the avocados available for purchase, but ultimately decide against it since they were grown in California. I need to buy shampoo and am in a hurry so I drive my car instead of walking, though I silently chastise myself for not planning ahead better.
Source: https://www.missioninvestors.org/events/is-fossil-fuel-divestment-right-for-your-institution
I consider myself an environmentalist, however most days I do not feel I have earned that title. It can be very exhausting when everyday things most people don’t think twice about fundamentally challenge my convictions. Sometimes I make the decision that is best for the environment and sometimes I give into the ease of this carbon-powered life. Looking around though, I realize that many of these decisions are not truly free decisions for me or for anyone else to make, especially when it comes to energy.
65% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions are a product of burning fossil fuels in order to generate electricity, heat buildings, power vehicles, etc (1). We all use and depend on fossil fuels on a daily basis. However, the uncomfortable truth is that if we intend to limit the warming of the planet to the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) recommended 2°C, 60-80% of the current fossil fuel reserves held by the top fossil fuel companies must remain in the ground (2).
These sobering facts have helped launch fossil fuel divestment campaigns at over 500 colleges and universities across the nation (3). Thus far the majority response from administrators and university presidents at the country’s most prestigious academic institutions such as Harvard, Cornell and Brown, has been “No.” (4)
The most oft cited reasons that university presidents have given in support of their decision not to divest are 1) if universities sell their shares in the top 200 fossil fuel companies they lose their ability to influence those companies through shareholder advocacy, 2) it is hypocritical to divest from fossil fuels when we continue to rely on them in our daily lives, 3) divesting from fossil fuel companies could hurt the endowments’ returns.
In response to the first argument about shareholder advocacy, while it can be an effective way of creating change in regards to fossil fuel companies, their entire business model is based around finding, refining and burning more and more fossil fuels. In order to avoid climate disaster we need to see a major shift in how we produce energy. Shareholder advocacy might work for smaller changes such as fairer labor practices, but we need to send a message to fossil fuel companies that it is socially irresponsible for them to continue operating as they do at a very fundamental level.
Some people have argued that fossil fuel companies have made positive steps by investing in renewable energy projects. However, if you look at the numbers, the top fossil fuel companies have committed a very small portion of their budgets to developing renewable energy, and some have already started pulling out of renewable energy projects (5). But really the bottom line is, as long as fossil fuel companies continue to seek out new fossil fuel reserves, they are threatening the future of us all.
The second argument regarding the hypocrisy of divesting while we still depend on fossil fuels is quite flawed. Yes it is unfortunate that we are so dependent on fossil fuels, but we need to start somewhere. Fossil fuel companies are not going to change out of the goodness of their hearts. They need to be shown that people are serious about demanding change.
In our highly market-based economy, money is a powerful force. Removing one’s money from a company is a great way to demonstrate you do not support that company’s practices in a language they will understand loud and clear. Plus, it frees up money to invest in renewable energy projects and research to help speed along the energy transition!
The third argument that divesting from fossil fuels could hurt the endowment is incredibly short sighted. Pressure is already mounting against the fossil fuel companies, particularly the coal industry. The percentage of electricity produced in the US by burning coal is shrinking fast and coal assets are decreasing in price (6). As divestment campaigns continue to spread and gain traction, it is not unreasonable to think that the same fate awaits oil and gas, causing some financial analysts to warn of an impending “carbon bubble” (7).
Additionally as the demand for environmentally responsible investment portfolios increase, it will become easier and easier for major institutions to divest. Furthermore divesting from fossil fuels has the potential to improve endowment returns as a number of divested portfolios have enjoyed increased returns as compared to a typical portfolio including fossil fuels (8).
No one is saying that divesting from fossil fuels is going to be easy, but I can’t think of a better reason to try hard than to prevent massive climate disruption.
(1) http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2013/05/ecofys-world-ghg-emissions-flowchart.png
(2) http://www.carbontracker.org/wastedcapital
(3) http://campaigns.gofossilfree.org/
(4) http://www.harvard.edu/president/fossil-fuels
(5) http://www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/blog/morning-edition/2013/04/bp-wants-to-sell-its-wind-farm-business.html
(6) http://www.asyousow.org/health_safety/coal.shtml
(7) http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/apr/19/carbon-bubble-financial-crash-crisis
(8) http://631nj1ki9k11gbkhx39b3qpzua.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/files/2013/06/institutional-pathways-final-061813.pdf
I totally agree with the idea that colleges and universities should be divesting. It sets a great example and the majority of schools are making an effort to go green anyhow.
I was wondering, though, if any research has been done on the economic impact of divesting. Does choosing to divest cause schools to lose or gain money? I know there are a lot of factors involved so this may be hard to determine and may differ from school to school, but it could be interesting to explore.
Have you volunteered or worked with Divest Duke? I know they had a panel discussion last semester and after reading your article, I actually went on their website (http://duke-divest.nationbuilder.com/) to sign their petition (which is less than 30 signatures away from it’s goal).
While you’re right that this is largely a money issue, I also remember attending a public meeting between the Coalition for a Conflict Free Duke and the Board of Trustees my freshman year about adopting investment guidelines on conflict minerals. Since the University Store and OIT obviously partner a lot with many tech companies and since it is difficult to find any piece of technology (including Apple products) free of conflict minerals, such a decision would obviously alter the way Duke conducts business. Nevertheless, the university officially called for responsible monitoring of corporate supply chains.
If something like that can be accomplished, I believe that fossil fuel divestment, at least starting on a small scale like a college campus, is also possible.
Sometime I wish these were anonymous. I was actually approached by a member of Divest Duke to sign the petition. I took the piece of paper with me and told him I had to think it over and would let him know the next time I ran into him. The next day I told him that I was not going to sign.
My debate was over the second reason why most universities said “No”. I think the future of power will certainly be supplemented by burning fossil fuels. The companies that Divest is targeting are much more likely than smaller companies to invest in efficiency technology and while only a small portion of the budget is dedicated to such a cause, that is sometimes a sizable amount of money.
I did not support Divest, as I told the surprised individual, because I do not think it is going about the problem in the right way. He asked me what I suggested they do and I did not have an answer for him.
Since then, I thought about the importance of policy, but more so about the way in which Universities can invest. Universities should invest in the companies, but only allow them to use the money in specific areas such as efficiency technology, etc.
Admittedly, this blog post may have swayed my opinion.
I thought this was an incredibly interesting post, as I am admittedly largely uneducated with regards to the majority of the financial world. I agree wholeheartedly that it is disappointing that funds that could be invested in renewable energy projects or initiatives working to overcome the consequences of climate change, are instead being invested in fossil fuel companies. I strongly believe that universities should serve as models for ethical investment and demonstrate a commitment to environmental concerns.
However, the reality is that we have created a society utterly dependent on fossil fuels. By divesting in fossil fuel companies or in other ways trying to limit or hurt them financially, we really seem to just be hurting ourselves by causing energy prices to rise. To truly enact change, we shouldn’t be targeting fossil fuel companies, but targeting ourselves. By reevaluating our lifestyle choices and using less energy, while simultaneously advocating for renewable energy sources, it may be possible to recreate our civilization from the ground up.
I have to agree with Max on this. Duke does not disclose its investments because doing so would cause other investors to flock to those assets (since Duke pays financial experts to devise Duke’s investment strategy and other investors would essentially be getting that advice for free if Duke divulged its investments). So there is no way of knowing how much Duke actually invests in fossil fuels. Even by Divest Duke’s own estimation, Duke invests very little in fossil fuels and its divestment would do very little to move the needle on climate change. Divest Duke’s argument is that divestment is sending an “ethical message” to other universities and investors that fossil fuels are wrong.
I am not personally swayed by this argument. I don’t think fossil fuel production is unethical. Fossil fuels are produced because our economy needs them to function and renewable energy is not yet as inexpensive as fossil fuels. Ceasing fossil production altogether would impose severe economic costs on the global economy. Instead, activists like those involved with Divest Duke should be concerned with increasing the feasibility of using renewable energy in place of fossil fuels. Instead of sending an “ethical message” by pushing for divestment, activists at Duke should encourage Duke to set aside part of its endowment for investing in renewable energy, which would actually move us towards a future of less fossil fuel production.