“A Sea of Sound” Lesson Plan Published
Demi Fox, Julia Goss, Liza Hoos and I are proud to announce that our Lesson Plan called “A Sea of Sound” has been published in the new ALA Editions e-book, “Tablet Computers in School Libraries and Classrooms.” According to an American Library Association press release, the book “speaks directly to librarians and educators working with young people, pointing the way towards intelligent, constructive use of tablets to attain educational goals” and includes eight “adaptable, active-learning lessons.”
In our lesson students will learn about the different sounds marine mammals make and how those compare to the sounds humans make utilizing tablet computers, apps, and websites to “see sound” in a spectrogram and create their own spectrograms. We introduce the reasons marine mammals rely on sound for communication and explore conservation issues related to sound in the sea.
The book can be purchased from the ALA Store in addition to other vendors including Amazon.com for Kindle. On Amazon.com you can look inside the book and sample the beginning for free (no Kindle required for the sample).
Demi, Julia, and Liza were 2nd year Master of Environmental Management students when we collaborated to write the proposal and ultimately the lesson plan for this new book. The plan was chosen for the book in October 2012 and the final lesson plan was sent to us exactly one year ago for our review.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact hlh18@duke.edu