New Article in Eos – Smartphones and Geoscience Education
As we are approaching the launch of the Coastal Walkabout citizen science network in Western Australia with the MUCRU folks, Marine Ventures and Gaia Resources, I’d like to point out a new feature article published today in Eos (the weekly magazine of geophysics published by the American Geophysical Union (AGU)) by Zackary Johnson and I on the use of smartphones in geoscience education. The article covers some of the new ways that smartphones are being used in formal and informal education programs in environmental sciences, and includes some examples from Zackary’s work on mobile device measurements of ocean color and our work on supporting participatory research in the coastal regions of Western Australia with smartphone data collection platforms. Our hope is that articles like this will help others find utility in employing mobile devices in marine science and conservation education. These devices are increasingly the way that students interact with information both inside and outside of their academic activities.
The article – entitled “Smartphones: Powerful Tools for Geoscience Education” is available online here
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