Spinner article in Natural History magazine!

More great news on the heels of our return from the deep south, Heather Heenehan has just published an Endpaper piece in Natural History magazine about her work on spinner dolphin acoustics as part of our SAPPHIRE project in Hawaii.
I’m really excited about this, because it’s a great example of how our research team is tackling the issue of unsustainable interactions amongst humans and resting spinner dolphins in Hawaii.
It’s a gargantuan problem, and there is no single silver bullet. Instead, we are taking the problem apart, solving it piece by piece, and getting it done the hard way. Science communication is a key component to this, and Heather did a great job in getting the issue out to the huge group of people that read Natural History.
Congrats to Heather on this excellent accomplishment!
[photo size=’large’ title=’Heenehan in Natural History magazine’ link=’ http://superpod.ml.duke.edu/johnston/files/2013/02/endpaper.jpg’ icon=’zoom’ lightbox=’image’]http://superpod.ml.duke.edu/johnston/files/2013/02/endpaper.jpg[/photo] [share_buttons]