Bronx update – a bit more about grey seals off Cape Cod

We’ve been tracking Bronx – our Cape Cod iSeal – for about 37 days and we are starting to learn a little about this seals habits. This in turn, helps us understand a bit about his preferred habitats.
Bronx is splitting time between foraging trips at two haulout locations (red circles on image below) – one near the southeast tip of the outer Cape not far from Chatham, and the other off North Truro near a location called High Hill. Both are known grey seal haulouts and the northernmost is proximate to a location just offshore that Bronx seems to be spending a large amount of time foraging within (blue circle). The image below illustrates these two locations, and the nexus of tracks that criss-cross just offshore of North Truro. I wonder what seal-goodies are found out there?
[photo size=’large’ link=’’ icon=’zoom’ lightbox=’image’][/photo]This must be a popular hangout for grey seals – check out the video below that gives a great perspective of the seals hauled out there. Bronx is now amongst them! Thanks to Mikołaj Zybała for the great grey seal muzzleshot as a lead in.
[photo size=’large’ link=’’ icon=’play’ lightbox=’youtube’][/photo]This last video is actually footage of the release of the animals – pretty cool to see him trundle off into the great blue. I think he is doing well, which is nice to see after being rehabbed! Both Videos curtesy of mkalbis on YouTube.
[photo size=’large’ link=’’ icon=’play’ lightbox=’youtube’][/photo] [share_buttons]