Cachalot iPad application in the News again!

This morning I did an interview with Brittany Edney from Time Warner Cable’s News 14 – a 24 hour cable news channel that services all of North Carolina. Brittany was really interested in the motivation behind developing the Cachalot digital textbook app and how we managed to deliver it at it’s extremely compelling price-point (free!). She was curious about the many things we had to juggle when designing and developing the immersive experience it provides.
It was especially great to get Duke Junior Emilie Franke (who is currently enrolled in my Marine Conservation and Community Outreach class) to test drive the application in real-time during the interview and provide some immediate feedback on it’s utility for annotating class materials and it’s ease of use. Thanks Emilie!
Brittany successfully pitched the story to her editors in the Raliegh/Durham area, so they are airing it for our Duke family up on main campus and I think it is being broadcast state-wide. If you are local and want to see it on air, tune to channel 14 on Time Warner Cable – it should be playing repeatedly on the half hour for the next day or so. Otherwise, grab it here, online. Embedded below!
Thanks again to all of our expert contributors to the project, and to our content partners the National Geographic CRITTERCAM project, the WHOI CSI lab and the Society for Marine Mammalogy.