[dropcap4 color=”green”]W[/dropcap4]e got great news this week as our predator synthesis paper for the Southern Ocean GLOBEC project was fully accepted for publication in the journal Deep Sea Research. This paper compiles location data for 4 key krill predators (humpbacks, minkes, Adelie penguins and crabeater seals) in Marguerite Bay and develops ecological niche models (ENMs) for each species based on a suite of physical and biological parameters. We then compared these models using standard niche overlap indices to assess how these predators structure their lives in relation to sea ice and each other. Ari collected the whale data during his PhD work, and it is great to see these data being out together in these types of synthetic projects.
Paper details:
Friedlaender, A. S., D. W. Johnston, W. R. Fraser, J. Burns, P. N. Halpin, D. P. Costa. In Press. Ecological niche modeling of sympatric krill predators around Marguerite Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research.