Spring 2020 Seminar Series (Pharm 848-S/ENV 848-S)
Duke Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Program
Thursday, February 20, 2020, 11:45 am – 1:00 pm, Field Auditorium, Grainger Hall
University of Washington – Tacoma
Characterizing Transportation Impacts on Urban Water Quality with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Stormwater runoff has long been known to significantly degrade urban water quality, with many documented adverse impacts on aquatic organisms. Here, using salmonid health in the Pacific Northwest as a unifying example, we applied high resolution mass spectrometry to characterize organic contaminants in urban stormwater, roadway runoff, and receiving waters. Chemical composition in such systems was characterized by many new “emerging” contaminants derived from humans and vehicles, with tire rubbers being a notable source of lightly studied chemical contaminants to roadway runoff and receiving waters. These data indicate that management of urban receiving waters needs to consider these pervasive stormwater-derived contaminants as major stressors of water quality and ecological health.
BIOGRAPHY: Edward Kolodziej, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the University of Washington, where he holds joint appointments in the Division of Sciences and Mathematics (UW Tacoma) and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (UW Seattle). He works on a variety of water quality issues, especially those focused on organic contaminants and ecological health, through The Center for Urban Waters in Tacoma, WA. Kolodziej’s interests include water quality assessment and contaminant fate in natural and engineered systems, especially focusing on interdisciplinary approaches to complex environmental issues of urbanization and growth. Kolodziej earned an M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering at University of California at Berkeley, and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University.