Spring 2020 Seminar Series (Pharm 848-S/ENV 848-S)
Duke Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Program
Thursday, April 23, 2020, 11:45 am – 1:00 pm, Field Auditorium, Grainger Hall
COVID-19 UPDATE: This seminar originally scheduled for April 23 will be postponed until Fall 2020. Our website will be updated as soon as a new date for Dr. Miller’s seminar is confirmed.
University of Washington
Genetic and epigenetic factors that mitigate H2S toxicity in metazoans
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a toxic gas that is a common environmental and industrial toxin. H2S is also produced endogenously, and is an important cellular signaling molecule. Treatment with exogenous H2S can protect mammals against cell damage and death from ischemia/reperfusion. The mechanism of H2S toxicity is poorly understood, and there is little known about the relationship between beneficial and toxic effects of H2S. We use the nematode, C. elegans, to explore genetic factors that mediate H2S signaling and toxicity in animals.
BIOGRAPHY: Dana Miller was born in Kansas, where her family has a cattle and wheat ranch. She graduated summa cum laude with a BS in both Biochemistry and Biological Sciences from the University of Denver, and then completed her PhD research at Johns Hopkins University. After a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Dana started her lab in the Department of Biochemistry in the University of Washington School of Medicine. She was named a New Scholar in Aging by the Ellison Medical Foundation, and received the Outstanding New Environmental Scientist (ONES) award from NIEHS. In her free time, Dana enjoys beer, cooking, twitter, and playing with her dogs and daughters (not in that order).