The research of three ITEHP faculty – Drs. Heather Stapleton, Jim Zhang, and Rich Di Giulio – are featured in the Fall 2021 issue of Duke Environment Magazine as breakthroughs in the field of environmental and human health. Their vital work is paving the way for healthier futures. Read the […]
Yearly Archives: 2021
Kirsten Overdahl successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled, “Characterizing Exposures and In Vitro Effects of Azobenzene Disperse Dyes in the Indoor Environment”, on October 27, 2021. Kirsten was co-advised during her time at Duke by P. Lee Ferguson, PhD, and Heather Stapleton, PhD. Having earned her PhD in Environment and […]
We invite HBCU students and alumni interested in ITEHP to The Duke University IDEALS Office HBCU Recruitment Event this Thursday, September 23, 2021, from 4-6 pm Eastern! This virtual event will introduce talented prospective applicants to Duke School of Medicine PhD programs and support mechanisms. (Being interdisciplinary in nature, ITEHP […]
Larisa Gearhart-Serna presented her PhD dissertation defense, “Investigation of the Role of Environmental Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Breast Cancer”, on July 19, 2021. Having successfully defended and earning her PhD in Pathology and her ITEHP certificate, Dr. Gearhart-Serna is now a Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University’s Feinberg […]
We are pleased to announce the speaker lineup for our Toxicology & Environmental Health Fall 2021 Seminar Series. Seminars will be held on Fridays from 12:00-1:15 pm Eastern Time, beginning on August 27, 2021. Our Fall series features 12 seminars, with 13 speakers from across the U.S. and Canada. Visit […]
Marissa Guttenberg, rising fourth-year ITEHP student, recently was selected for the Society of Toxicology (SOT) Science Communications Training Award. This award is the result of a new collaboration between SOT and the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University, focusing on enhancing SOT members’ ability to effectively […]
Reflecting on Earth Day 2021, it is important to celebrate and protect not just the ground beneath our feet, but also the air that we breathe. “We Are What We Breathe” is the theme of a timely article from the Duke University School Medicine’s Magnify Magazine, discussing the health effects […]
Two ITEHP students recently defended their dissertations: Matthew Ruis “Using in vitro and in vivo Placental Models to Investigate the Localization of Brominated Flame Retardants and Implications for Thyroid Hormone Homeostasis” Advisor: Heather Stapleton Rose Schrott “The Effects of Cannabis sativa on the Sperm Epigenome” Advisor: Susan Murphy Congratulations, Matthew […]
The Graduate School just launched a new interactive guide to help students better understand the options, resources, and processes for addressing concerns of harassment, discrimination, and related problems. This resource is based on the amazing work that ITEHP student, Kirsten Overdahl, completed in Summer 2020, where she developed an interactive […]
Tess Leuthner, sixth-year ITEHP student in the Meyer lab, has been selected by The Graduate School to receive the 2021 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring. A committee of graduate deans, faculty, and graduate students selected Leuthner from a highly competitive pool of nominees to receive this award, recognizing her […]
The Toxicology & Environmental Health Spring 2021 Seminar Series starts this Thursday, January 14th, at 12:00 pm Eastern Time! Our post-doc alum, Kathleen Hershberger, PhD – now at Grinnell College – will be kicking off the series with her talk, “Persistent mitochondrial and epigenetic effects of early-life arsenic exposure in C. […]