Lauren Wyatt wins Best Poster award at Carolina SETAC this past weekend!

Congratulations to Lauren Wyatt who received the award for Best Poster this past Saturday at Carolina SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) hosted by Clemson University. Lauren’s poster featured her research on the impacts of mercury exposure on developing C.elegans. She has found that exposure to mercury reduces the number of C.elegans offspring, impacts their length, and increases generation time. Exposure to mercury in a 24 hour period reduces mitochondrial DNA copy number, nuclear DNA copy number, body length, and the ratio of mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA copy number.
“It was an interesting experience because it was the first time I’d received feedback on my project from people who are not directly involved in the work,” said Lauren about speaking with others during the poster session at CSETAC.
Lauren will continue to examine immune responses in sensitive C.elegans strains and test the generational, genotoxic, and immunotoxic endpoints in other mercury species.
Lauren is a third year Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health Program & Nicholas School of the Environment graduate student co-advised by Dr. Bill Pan and Dr. Joel Meyer.