Probability Distributions



Learning Objectives


1.  Understand the difference between a discrete and continuous probability distribution.


2. Understand a discrete distribution.


3. Understand the binomial distribution (discrete) and calculate probabilities of discrete outcomes.


4. Understand and calculate probabilities of the Poisson (discrete) distribution.


5. Understand the standard normal probability distribution (mean of zero, sd of 1).


6.  Be able  to apply the three sigma rule (68-95-99.7 rule).


7.  Understand and be able to calculate z-scores.


8.  Be able to find probabilities greater than, less than or within some range of z-scores from a normal probability table.


9. Understand the student’s t-distribution and be able to calculate probabilities from t-scores.


Go to the next section on Discrete Probability Distributions.

Go to the next section on Continuous Probability Distributions.

Return to the Main Probability Page.


This website was developed by Elizabeth A. Albright, PhD of the Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University.


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