Gabriel Katul


Location 1

Research Location

Research Objective
Project 1: To study the relative importance of ejections and sweeps to momentum transfer in the atmospheric boundary layer.

Project 2: To study the influence of hilly terrain on canopy-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange.

Collaborating Institution
Project 1: CSIRO

Project 2: CSIRO

Funding Source/Sponsor
Project 1: National Science Foundation, Biological and Environmental Research Program, US Department of Energy

Project 2: Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences and the Center on Global Change (Duke University), Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy

Students Involved


Location 2

Research Location

Research Objective
To study the net ecosystem exchange of grassland in contrasting wet and dry years.

Collaborating Institution
Cork University

Funding Source/Sponsor
National Development Plan 2000 – 2006 (Irish Government)

Students Involved


Location 3

Research Location

Research Objective
Project 1: To use mechanistic analytical models for long-distance seed dispersal by wind so as to explore seed uplift of foliage shedding on long-distance dispersal in deciduous forests.

Project 2: To understand the long-distance biological transport processes through the air and whether or not nature’s complexity can be unfolded in silico.

Project 3: To measure the evaporation from three water bodies of different sizes and climates.

Project 4: To also study the evaporation from a reservoir with fluctuating water level.

Project 5: To study the effect of the screen on the mass, momentum, and energy exchange rates of a uniform crop situated in an extensive screen house.

Collaborating Institution
Project 1 & 2: The Hebrew University

Project 3, 4, 5: The Volcani Center

Funding Source/Sponsor
Project 1 & 2: Duke University Center on Global Change, National Science Foundation, Biological and Environmental Research Program of the Department of Energy

Project 3 & 4: The Israel National Water Company, BARD, US – Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, Institute of Soil, Water, and Environmental Sciences, and Agricultural Research Organization

Project 5: US – Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, US Department of Agriculture, National Science Foundation, Fulbright-Italy Distinguished Fellows Program

Students Involved


Location 4

Research Location
Lecce, Italy

Research Objective
Project 1: To study organized motion and radiative perturbations in the nocturnal canopy sublayer above an even-aged pine forest.

Project 2: To study the buoyancy and the sensible heat flux budget within dense canopies.

Collaborating Institution
Italian National Research Council

Funding Source/Sponsor
Project 1: Duke University Center on Global Change, National Science Foundation, Biological and Environmental Research Program, US Department of Energy

Project 2: National Science Foundation, Biological and Environmental Research Program, US Department of Energy

Students Involved
Project 1: None.

Project 2: D. Poggi (Post-Doc)


Location 5

Research Location
Paduva/Venice, Italy

Research Objective
To study leave conductance and carbon gain under salt-stressed conditions.

Collaborating Institution

Funding Source/Sponsor
US Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture, Fulbright-Italy Distinguished Scholars Program

Students Involved


Location 6

Research Location

Research Objective
Project 1: To understand strategies for seed dispersal by wind under contrasting atmospheric conditions.

Project 2: To study causality and persistence in ecological systems through the nonparametric spectral Granger causality approach.

Collaborating Institution
Project 1: The Smithsonian

Funding Source/Sponsor
Project 1: National Science Foundation, Harvard University Center for the Environment John and Elaine French Fellowship, Packard Fellowship, HSBC Climate Partnership, Smithsonian Tupper Postdoctoral Fellowship, Israel Science Foundation Grant

Project 2: National Science Foundation

Students Involved


Location 7

Research Location
Turin, Italy

Research Objective
Project 1: To study the unsteady overland flow on flat surfaces induced by spatial permeability contrasts.

Project 2: To study the effects of gentle topographic variation on dispersal kernels of inertial and aerosol sized particles.

Project 3: To craft a phenomenological model to describe turbulent friction in permeable-wall flows.

Project 4: To determine turbulent transport efficiency and the ejection-sweep motion for momentum and heat on sloping terrain covered with vineyards.

Collaborating Institution
Project 1 – 3: Polytechnic of Turin

Project 4: University of Turin

Funding Source/Sponsor
Project 1: Fulbright-Italy Distinguished Scholars Program

Project 2: National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of Agriculture

Project 3: Fulbright-Italy Distinguished Scholars Program

Project 4: US Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture, Fulbright-Italy Distinguished Scholars Program

Students Involved
Project 1: None.

Project 2: Thompson

Project 3: None.

Project 4: Siqueiral (Post-Doc)


Location 8

Research Location
Utrecht, the Netherlands

Research Objective
Project 1: To study determinants of long-distance seed dispersal by wind in grasslands and the effects made by humans and the colonization by grassland plants.

Project 2: To study the vegetation pattern shift as a result of rising atmospheric CO2 in arid ecosystems.

Collaborating Institution
Utrecht University

Funding Source/Sponsor
Project 1: National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy

Project 2: National Science Foundation

Students Involved


Location 9

Research Location
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Garmisch, Germany; University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy


Research Objective
Investigate biosphere-atmosphere gas and particulate exchange

Collaborating Institution
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Garmisch, Germany; University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

Funding Source/Sponsor
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Garmisch, Germany; University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

Students Involved
Two post-docs from University of Helsinki, Two PhD students and one post-doc from KIT One graduate student from Gagliari




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