Fall ’22 Seminar Series
Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Fall 2022 Seminar Series
Want to learn more about intersections between ecotoxicology and identity? Check out the following seminars:
Nov 11: Partnering for Action: Cultivating Science and Justice
- Defined broadly, participatory approaches to research can challenge and change inequity and mistrust in science, particularly when the effort reflects the diversity of publics and does not reinforce existing inequities in science, environmental decision-making, and society. These efforts are transforming investigations, for example, through the development of new monitoring tools, co-production of data, and sharing of results.
Oct 21: The Intersection of Global Environmental Health and Climate Change
- While climate change may be the existential challenge the world faces, we also must deal with overwhelming additional environmental challenges to global health. Health disparities, water and soil pollution, microbial threats all challenge our knowledge as well s our future. What are some of the key research needs facing us at this time? And how can we address them?
Oct 7: Environmental Health Research: Current Trends and Future Directions
- This seminar will discuss recent research on the links between environment and human health with a focus on research challenges and future directions. Topics include heat waves, green infrastructure, climate change, and environmental justice.
Sep 16: Understanding Occupational Exposure to Known Carcinogens: A Program of Research in Progress
- In this seminar, Dr. Walton will discuss her work to date to understand and improve the pesticide protective behaviors of Latino migrant and seasonal farmworkers. She will also discuss her research and policy work to measure and modify occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs for healthcare workers, including nursing assistants and environmental services workers who have less education, training, and social capital in the workplace than nurses and pharmacists whose exposures are more commonly considered.
Other Events
It’s Not Just an Urban Issue: Challenges of Environmental Justice for Rural North Carolina Date: Friday, September 9
From Durham: 8:00am-6:30pm
From Beaufort: 7:00am-7:30pm
Nicholas School of the Environment faculty and staff attended this all-day field trip to visit Sampson County, NC. Led by Sherri White-Williamson, Instructor at the Nicholas School, Director for Environmental Justice Policy at The North Carolina Conservation Network and Director of the Environmental Justice Community Action Network (EJCAN). The trip provided opportunities to meet with and learn from community leaders in Sampson County about the root causes and direct impacts of the environmental injustices their community has experienced and the strategies they are employing to combat them. Attendees also visited a number of sites within Sampson County to view and discuss the direct manifestation of environmental injustice on the landscape.
Part of the Building in Justice at the School of the Environment initiative was funded through a generous grant from Duke Faculty Advancement
Other Events
- Global Week – September 19th to 22nd
- NSOE International Mixer – August 26, 2022