File name follows ocean color naming convention: Sensor.YearDay.L3m_DAY_EXP_SpatialResolution.algorithm.hdf.bz2 (1) Sensor: S=SeaWiFS, A=MODIS Aqua (2) YearDay: YYYYDDD(begin)YYYYDDD(end). For example, January 2000 has the format of: 20000012000031 (3) L3m: we produces only level 3 mapped data at this time; (4) DAY: monthly=MO, 8 day average = 8D; (5) EXP: parameter is surface carbon export production; (6) SpatialResolution: 9=9km*9km, 4=4km*4km; (7) Algorithm: the algorithm used to produce the parameters. GP=equation derived from genetic programming in Li and Cassar [2016]; SVR=support vector regression derived in Li and Cassar [2016]; Siegel=Siegel et al. [2014] Westberry=Westberry et al. [2012]; Laws2011 = Laws et al. [2011] Dunne=Dunne et al. [2005] Laws2000=Laws et al. [2000] Baines=Baines et al. [1994] Betzer=Betzer et al. [1984] Eppley=Eppley and Peterson [1979] Siegel=Siegel et al. [2014] (8) hdf: data format; (9) bz2: the compression format. Example: “S20000012000031.L3m_MO_EXP_9.GP.hdf.bz2” is January average export production in 2000 derived by our algorithm GP (genetic programming) from SeaWiFS observations. It is a level 3 mapped file, with a spatial resolution of 9km * 9km. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The organization of folders follows ocean color website. The top folder is “cassar_export_satellite” followed by sensor folders (“MODISA” and “SeaWiFS”). In each sensor folder, there is a folder for each algorithm with data with different spatial resolution in separate folders. Data with different temporal resolutions are saved in separated folders. Example: “cassar_export_satellite\SeaWiFS\GP\9km\Annual” is the path of annual products produced by our algorithm GP (genetic programming) from 9km SeaWiFS observations. Product units: mg C m-2 day-1 Projection: Equidistant cylindrical Spatial range: Latitude: From 90o N to 90o S Longitude: From 180o W to 180o E These metadata have been included in each separated file.